Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Time really flies, before we know it, it is already week 11! This means that first semester is ending soon! J This week’s lesson was on the topic of Technology Assessment and Forecasting. I have never heard of this term before, but now I know what it meansJ

Technology Assessment and Forecasting is actually the forecasting of emerging technology that could potentially impact our lives in the future. I feel that forecasting is of paramount importance as although we do not know what is going to occur in the future, we could at least direct ourselves in the midst. In any way forecasting is used, be it for our own lives or for schools and businesses, it is important to make plans so to have a head start for the future.

Reading 3 was introducing a “Technology Roadmap” which I thought was very interesting. A roadmap is used to direct us so that we know how far we are from our destination and eventually get to where we want to be at. A technology roadmap is thus, a tool to show us where technology could potentially direct us to our destination; the future. It helps us predict the future, and to indicate how far we are from achieving what we want in the future. Existing approaches can be categorized into 3 different groups, product availability plans at company website, overview presentations and dedicated workshops. It helps companies propose developments of a product base on what they feel will be marketable to consumers in the future. This is really necessary because it could help such companies to be the first to launch their products in the market and hence improve their bottom lines.

“It is said that present is pregnant with the future” by Voltaire. This quote looks simple but yet so profound. This is one genius quote that I particularly like and yes, the present is indeed pregnant with the future. Just like how a mother is pregnant with her child and will never know how her child looks like or will born out to be like, the present is pregnant not knowing what the future holds for it.

It is officially the last formal lesson for TWC. It is hard to bid goodbye to the comfortable form of lesson whereby all we do is sit, listen, respond. It is going to be the start of our own presentations, and I am happy yet worried for my own presentation. But anyway, hope everyone will do give their best and do well J

Overall, I will rate the lesson 7/10 J

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